I love my year to-do list, but sheesh it's a little dusty, is it not?
There are still some things I hope to cross off before the ball drops -- create Kyle's book of letters, write and submit a piece on parenting -- and I have roughly two weeks to do it, so I better get cracking. But, there are many things I plan to carry over into my 2012 to-do list because I know I am happier and better when I go after my goals (even if I don't happen to check them off in a timely fashion).
2012 is a big year. I turn 30 in January, Kyle turns three (!!!!!) in February, Mike and I celebrate five years of marriage in May. Big stuff, grand stuff, happy stuff.
I know a new year isn't a quick fix or really any more of a fresh start than your average Tuesday, but it sure feels different. Especially this year. So, I'm putting together a new list, thinking about some big-time changes, and, yeah, happy for what's ahead.
(I have a good feeling about 30, my friends.)
In 2012, I definitely want to write more here, specifically. Working and half-marathon training and other-site managing and freelancing and toddler wrangling and just being plain addicted to my DVR turns out to be distractingly time-consuming stuff. I also second guess my posts way more than I used to and I want to quit that (tell me to quit that) because I like writing here. It makes me happy, no matter what I'm really writing about. So, 2012 is the year I get back to clogging your feed readers. You're welcome!
Part of writing more means flat-out planning my posts in advance and that means writing more for my Real Marraiges series (I need to get an in-laws post up, but I just can't be the one to write it) and maybe starting a Working Moms series. (Totally and admittedly inspired by Ginger.) It also means just posting way more pictures of shoes I'm coveting. Good times, yes, I know.
Before I talk any more about my 2012 list (it's coming soon) and my plans, what do you have planned for 2012? Maybe your goals will inspire new ones for me, and, even if not, I'd love to hear what you're excited about. Houses, babies, trips, businesses, big ideas that are going to change the world, or, hey, cute shoes you want to buy? One thing you should know about this blog: there's always time for cute shoes.