- I have kind of a foul vocabulary. I wish I cared about fixing that, but I just don't. Those bad words get me through commuting during rush hour.
- I sometimes think I would like to attend church. For the community, the connection, the service to others, but I just fundamentally disagree with too many parts of organized religion that I don't think I ever will (or ever will again, I should say).
- I'm good with only having one child, but I wish it didn't feel like I'm making such a strange choice. Mainly, I just wish I had more people to talk with about the joys and challenges of deciding to have an only child.
- I like IHOP. Kind of a lot.
- I either feel super organized or super unorganized, no in between.
- I yell at Molly too much. It's a wonder that dog hasn't bitten me yet. She whines all the time, she's impossible on a leash, she paces, she's way more high-maintenance than my kid, and it drives me insane sometimes at the end of a very long day. I love her to pieces, though, which is where the mad guilt comes in.
- I am not all "everyone should love kids!" or "my kid deserves to be adored all the time!" (not at all) but I get really irked when Kyle smiles or says hi to a stranger and they ignore him. Would you ignore an ADULT who was being friendly to you? (To be fair, some asshats would.) Kids are actual people, with pulses, so common courtesies should apply to them too.
- I think I'm a good mom in a lot of ways, but I don't feel I know much about raising a kid (in the general sense). Whenever I see Twitter spilling over with parenting advice or parenting tips or parenting talk of any kind, I feel like a chip is missing in me. I'm all, "How do you people KNOW so much stuff?" Many people with just one kid, like me. I'm coming to the conclusion that these people read actual parenting books or other important material instead of watching the CW.
- I think I want a pair of TOMS. 2010 me is so pissed off right now.
- My car is a mess, usually always.
- This may be kind of a tricky subject, but I get big-time irritated when Mike is overly praised for parenting. He's a good parent and that should be acknowledged (and I'm the first to acknowledge he's a fabulous dad and Kyle is a lucky kid) but he is not doing something revolutionary by taking his kid to a restaurant or being the initial potty-trainer. It's just what you do as half a parenting team.
- Big things I'd like to do in life: write a book, organize a race, go mountain climbing, visit Spain, start a charity, learn to play the violin, live in a different country for a few months. I fear I won't do any of these.
What are your confessions these days?