If you're on Instagram (or, hey, even if you're not) you probably know that in 2012 a list of photo prompts has made the rounds with specific hashtags by month. I like the idea mostly because it reminds me to take more photos, which I'm naturally pretty bad at. This is one reason (of many?) why I'll never be an uber-popular blogger. Most of the uber-popular bloggers take photos of their lives while I just watch a lot of tv.
I participated in February and probably will again in March and I thought I'd round up those photos here. I didn't take a photo every day, either because the prompts got weird (does anyone really want to see a photo of "inside my bathroom cabinet" because I'm pretty sure my Band-aids look just like yours) or because all the prompting in the world can't make me a completely different person, and I plain forgot some days.
"Your view today": This is my view most mornings, as I start my drive to work. I love that Instagram made my drive look kinda beautiful when it's really just annoying as hell.
"Words": This is a signed copy of one of our books, an anthology on The Vampire Diaries. One of the editors signed it for me at Comic-Con this year, and she signed it "Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, and Lots of Vervain," which I love so much.
"Hands": Kyle's hands, playing with the camera he got for Christmas.
"10am": We were at my in-laws, having a morning playdate with Kyle's cousins, who he just plain adores. Can't you see the happy written all over him?
"Dinner": I wanted to make something fancy this night, to impress all my Instagram friends, but my desire to be cooler than I am is usually trumped by my laziness. So, here's some hummus (which photographs horribly) doused in hot sauce with some delicious sweet potato chips.
"Self-portrait": I look so sleepy! Or annoyed! Or sad! I can't tell what expression I'm really making here. I didn't mean it, whatever it is. Behind me you can see the Veronica Mars anthology cover that I have framed in my office.
"Makes you happy": Hi Mike! He does make me happy (as does his sweatshirt), but this particular day was my morning to sleep in, and I woke to bagels and coffee in bed, so I was happy for like 10 different reasons.
"Blue": Beautiful, beautiful (turquoise) blue appliance. I just realized the bowl is missing but it's because I had just USED my mixer (notice the mini banana muffins on the cooling rack in the background).
"Something new": New cupcake shop in town. Not just in town, my friends, IN WALKING DISTANCE IN TOWN. I can now walk to burgers, pizza, barbecue, Mexican, fried chicken, and now cupcakes. I can also walk to yoga, but guess which I walk to more?
"Handwriting": A note I have in my office, that I hand wrote when work was particularly stressful for me. You can also see the quote here.
"A fave photo of you": From our honeymoon. We were so tan and young and happy. We're still one of those things, at least. Funny though, about a minute after we took this (self-timer FTW!), I fell down the stairs of our villa, so the look of pure relaxation on my face was fleeting. Very fleeting. Because I was bleeding not long after.
"Where you work": Yep, that's my building.
"Something you're listening to": When I thought of the prompt, this is what song was on my Pandora shuffle.
Here's the list of March photo prompts if you want to play along this month! (You should, too.)