I imagine if this weren't my blog, I wouldn't be able to get away with recapping Easter over a week after it happened, but this is my blog, thank goodness. (Well, thank goodness depending on who you ask.)
Anyway (and hilariously) the Easter brunch and egg hunt we hosted at our house was Kyle's FOURTH egg hunt of the year. It became so ridiculous that whenever I'd cheerfully tell him he'd get to see Nana (my mom) on Easter, he'd look at me, confused, and say, "But...we already had Easter." Like, wait a second, I don't get to see her for A YEAR? I DO NOT ACCEPT THAT.
It was a small group, just the three of us, my mom, and Kristie and Jackson. Small but sweet. We had brunch -- with mimosas because my house, my champagne-centric traditions, YOU ARE NOT SURPRISED -- and then let the boys loose in our backyard to find the eggs Mike painstakingly hid.
Yeah. They found all 75+ in, no kidding, three minutes.
Molly was pissed that she got nothing. That's pretty much been Molly's default emotion since Kyle's birth.
Then we brought out the four-wheeler for the boys because we expected the hunt to take longer than the length of your average commercial break.
Oh, and we got a family photo (with all four of us, see Molly we do still love you) for the first time since last Easter.
(Oof, come on beach vacation tan! Also, yes, Kyle's tongue is out. AGE THREE, MAN. It's weird.)
So, yes, we had a great Easter this year and then we all took naps. I hope yours was just as booze-, chocolate-, fun-, and nap-filled.