I'm crazy behind on about a dozen posts I want/need to write. Behind on my own deadlines, not behind because you're biting your nails to read them, I should clarify.
Anyway, first up in my long list of need-to-write-those-suckers posts is a wrap-up of my March photos via Instagram. (Oh, hey! Raise your hand if you're desperately wishing you had invented Instagram this week? Me too!)
"Neighborhood": This is the main street in my little town. We can walk here from our house and there are a handful of places to eat and hang out. It's such a sell for the area, and while I can't imagine living in Texas the rest of my life, I can absolutely imagine living here the rest of my life. (Which doesn't make any sense, I know.)
"Fruit": I snapped this in the produce section of Target. The lady waiting to actually buy lemons looked totally unamused.
"Up": This is the wood-paneled ceiling in our hallway. It's one of my favorite parts of the house.
"Window": This is the view out my office window. I'm lucky that I have my own office and my own big window, so we're going to focus on that and not that my view is horrible.
"Clouds": I think this photo is a bit self-explanatory, don't you?
"Smile": Oh this kid. His hair is unruly and wild and it grows so fast, I can't keep up, and that's before you consider how lazy his parents are. So, he often looks like he needs a haircut. When I look back on all his toddler/pre-school photos one day, though, I know I won't sigh with regret over not cutting his hair more often. I'm going to instead remember how perfectly his crazy hair suited him.
"5pm": Quitting time!
"Your name": Kyle's first daycare made this card for me with a photo of him inside on my first Mother's Day. I have had it in my office ever since.
"Feet": Kyle's new shoes. He calls them his "skateboard shoes," which is definitely accurate but I'm also not sure at all where he picked that up.