Kyle's been saying his favorite food is broccoli for a while now, which is charming because if anyone overhears him saying this, they think we're super superior parents who have fooled their kid into thinking broccoli is the most delicious food there is. We are so awesome! With our broccoli-loving child! It's also charming because as far as I know, Kyle doesn't actually like broccoli.
(This is probably all Yo Gabba Gabba's fault, that my kid thinks he likes broccoli but doesn't really. Yo Gabba Gabba: making liars out of our pre-schoolers.)
Anyway, I never mentioned this quirk of Kyle's to Mike's mom, who watches him often, because it just never occured to me to. "Oh, hey, Kyle says he likes broccoli, but as far as I can tell, he doesn't like broccoli. Heads up!"
When I picked him up from her house the other day, she sort of chuckled and said, "So, Kyle doesn't like broccoli."
"Well, he walked in and asked, 'Mia, do you have any broccoli? I love broccoli.'"
"I do have broccoli! Would you like me to make it for you?"
"Yes, cook it for me, please."
"Mia, are you making me broccoli? Could you hurry up. I really want broccoli."
"It's coming! Almost ready!"
(She was becoming more and more impressed with our parenting without us even being there, which is EXTRA charming, right?)
She finished making the broccoli (steamed, roasted, I'm not even sure) and set the plate in front of him. He looked up at her and said, "Mia, I don't like broccoli, can I have bread?"
He did the same thing with me a few weeks earlier so now when he asks for broccoli, I just give him pizza, which probably makes me lose all those charming points I earned above, right?
(I'm not in the business of cooking whatever he requests, don't get me wrong, but I'm also not in the business of fighting anyone over broccoli. Ever.)
Anyway, today was Kyle's three-year well-check visit, and he's perfect (not the doctor's exact words, but I'm sure that's what she meant) and while still a little shrimpy weight-wise, he's catching right up in height, so take that Ignored Broccoli!
This was the first appointment his doctor asked Kyle more questions than she asked us, and one question was, "Hey, Kyle! What's your favorite food?" This would be the time the Broccoli Lie would come in handy. I mean, his grandmother loves him no matter what he requests to eat, but his pediatrician has a FILE with NOTES about his UPBRINGING, so this would be the time to lie, little man.
He only looks like he won't make you slave over the stove on a dish he begs for but won't eat!