I left town this past weekend (I know, I know, I just got back from leaving town) for a quick girl's weekend in Wimberley, a town nestled about 45 minutes west of Austin.
Kristie and I made these plans months ago, after looking at two very full calendars and realizing it was, quite honestly, the only weekend we could have a girl's weekend in 2012.
So, I thought I'd share our entire itineary from Saturday, our one full day there, because it was such a perfect day. (This way, if you ever find yourself with a day to spend in Wimberley, you can just use this and you never have to Google a thing. I'm like your online concierge! I accept tips, FYI.)
9 a.m.
We woke up, slowly, and then sipped mimosas and coffee in the backyard, watching the Blanco River running behind our rental house.
Note to self: start more days like this.
11 a.m.
We headed to Market Days, a flea market-type event held the first Saturday of each month in Wimberley.
I bought this fabulous ring after offering the (very nice) woman $20 less than she was asking. I still feel a little badly about that, which is proof I am a horrible negotiator.
I don't know how we ever bought a house. Oh, hey! I know! We probably overpaid.
We also picked up this kick-ass mini-motorcycle for Kyle and managed to squeeze it into my friend's Honda Civic (the same one all our bags had to fit in on the drive home). I have new respect for Honda Civics.
1 p.m.
We lunched at the Leaning Pear, which was delicious with such a fantastic ambiance. Sit on the patio, even if it's a little warm. I got half a caprese panini and half a panzanella salad. Both were really tasty.
2:30 p.m.
Dessert at Sugar Shack. Because it's vacation!
We went back to our rental house to relax because eating and shopping isn't relaxing at all. I read on the couch. (An Abundance of Katherines, if you want to get really copy-catty and read the same book I read. Good thing if you do because the book was so good. Recommend!)
4 p.m.
I took the relaxation one step further and napped.
6 p.m.
Headed out for a tasting at a local winery. We settled on Duchman because it was the only one still open, but it turned out to be a great pick. I enjoyed the moscato enough to buy two bottles.
Intensely studying the tasting menu!
Dinner at Marco's Italian restaurant. The mushroom-and-artichoke dip was incredible. My margherita pizza was just so-so.
10 p.m. to late
We stayed up late talking about...so much. Motherhood, husbands, weddings, good books, bad tv, our next girl's weekend, etc. It was perfect, of course.
I know that getting away, even for a weekend, is impossible for some and I wish I could offer up my child-watching skills so you could steal away for a girl's weekend sometime. (If you're close, let's talk!) But if it's not impossible for you, and you've just been waiting for the right excuse, the right place, the right friends, etc., here's a little nudge to seek those things out sooner rather than later.
Until next year!