We went to Oklahoma this past weekend and even though I've visited the state countless times before, I was surprised this trip by just how pretty parts of Oklahoma can be. (I know! I bet you're surprised too.) We drove out of Texas via 35N into Oklahoma City right at the magical sunset hour, and there were sloping hills (well, hills by Texas' standards), green, green grass, and a really pretty sky. I also had a charming road-trip companion (that would be my kid) and he was a delightful, chattering fool the entire five-hour drive. He even chose the "pee on the side of the road instead of making Mommy hunt down a gas station at 10:30 p.m." option when he needed to go to the bathroom. Buy that kid a pony!
Once in Oklahoma, I stopped to pick up Mike (he had to head north before us for motorcycle race set-up shenanigans) and we then went to my grandma's house in Tulsa through Sunday morning. It was great to see her as it always is and even nicer for Kyle to have some time with her. We hung out, caught up, took in a local street festival, ate delicious food, and relaxed, mostly. (Side note: I also watched the Descendents on Saturday night and absolutely loved it. Totally lived up to the hype for me, refreshingly.)
I have a small, very spread-out family, and I promise it's only the latter that I struggle with. I don't particularly care about the size, I just wish we all lived on the same block. (Well, I wish that most of the time.) So, it's always like exhaling to be around anyone who loves Kyle like family should love him: fiercely, naturally, without pause. It's such an honor to introduce him (or help him cultivate relationships with) people who love him simply because he exists.
On Sunday, we drove about an hour to the motorcycle track and enjoyed a nice day of watching Mike be a total rockstar. He's completely in his element at the track, and I know both Kyle and I fall in love with him a little more every time we watch him zoom around on his bike. The weather was nice and cool and Kyle even got to ride with Mike during the spectator lap. (Don't fret! It's a lap intended for kids and family, and he rode on the tiny little pit bike, wearing a very secure helmet, going about 10 MPH.)
We watched a couple of the races from the bleachers and, adorably, Kyle can spot Mike's bike without me having to point it out to him, smart little dude, and every time he saw his bike coming around the bend, he'd shout at the top of his lungs: GO DADDY GO. YOU ARE SUPER FAST! The entire crowd was charmed by him. So was I.
As it goes in these situations, five minutes after we got home, I began planning a family camping trip for sometime this summer. (I think we'll camp in a cabin with A/C, though, just in case that declaration made you think I've officially lost it.) I love stealing away for some uninterrupted time with my family, and while every person has beautifully different visions of what family happiness looks like, mine looks just like that: showing my kid the world, tiny piece by tiny piece, holding Mike's hand, making memories as a trio as we go. (Molly is so pissed at me right now. Okay, Molly! You can come too.)
Some pictures:
More pictures (and video of Kyle dancing!) over here.