So, it's July.
I know this to be true because: 1) IT'S STUPID HOT (although not as hot as last year, small miracles); 2) the calendar says so; 3) my internal panic mode was jammed into the "on" position last week--as we hit mid-year--over all the things I have yet to accomplish in 2012. (My internal panic mode basically chants "FAIL" over and over, how about yours?)
I was expanding on my internal panic mode by detailing all the ways in which I've failed so far this year (not skinny enough, house not clean enough, Kyle still doesn't know how to open a champagne bottle for me) and then I told myself to just quit all that, immediately. The world keeps turning no matter how messy my kitchen or how often I have to get my own champagne. Tragically keeps turning on the latter, of course.
Anyway, instead of beating myself up over all I have to do and all I want to do and all I am legally obligated to do (someone remind me to get my car inspected, please), here's what 2012 has included so far, and it's not bad, my friends. Not bad at all.
1. Kept raising that too-awesome kid of ours.
2. Became a vegetarian. (That photo is of these delicious black bean sliders.)
3. Took a much-needed, so-fun girls' trip to Wimberley, TX.
4. Welcomed our new baby niece to the world. She's a keeper.
5. Walked (and snorkeled) the beaches of Culebra, PR.
6. Threw an engagement party for Kristie and Duvain. Congrats again, you two!
7. Finally brunched at Cafe Modern. Something that's been on my to-do list for a bunch of years.
8. Celebrated five (crazy) years of being married to Mike.
9. Kyle's first merry-go-round!
10. Launched a small business (Cherry Jean) with my friend Cherie. We've sold 50+ shirts this year so far. You should buy one!
11. Made a family yearbook.
12. Hung out with wild horses. No bigs.
13. Visited a black sand beach. Something I've always wanted to do, but something I didn't realize I could do outside of Hawaii. (I don't know why I thought this. Perhaps Hawaii is spreading lies.)
14. Dyed Easter eggs with Kyle for the first time.
15. Walked around Old San Juan.
16. Visited Fort Worth's food truck park.
17. Introduced Kyle to the world of track riding. He's already smitten and Mike is already beaming. (That same trip, we also got to spend time with my grandma. Something I didn't get to do at all last year.)
18. Discovered Sons of Anarchy. (Like that wouldn't make the list.)
19. Drove to Austin, to (finally) introduce blog babies to each other.
20. Threw Kristie a bachelorette party where we 1) had so much fun and 2) realized that 30 might be the official age to retire tequila shots.
21. Threw Kyle a pretty kick-ass third birthday party, at least according to the guests who wouldn't leave the balloon room. And according to Kyle, who began planning his fourth birthday party the next day. That's my boy.
22. Visited Vieques.
23. Held my best friend's (of 19 years!) new baby boy. Jack, you're the best.
24. Kayaked in the ocean, right after a beach bonfire.
25. Went to the Dallas premiere, where I wore Target and everyone else did not wear Target.
The year is half over. Half full, indeed.