I said I wasn't going to recap my half-marathon training by week this time around and here I am recapping my half-marathon training by week this time around. I will work on being a person of my word in 2013.
Anyway, I thought I'd break this week into the highs and lows, the winners and losers, the silver linings and the you've-got-to-be-kidding-mes, if you will.
The Highs
1. New shoes!
2. I went to a yoga class alone. Okay, you're probably squinting your eyes at the screen now, convinced you read that wrong, but nope. That's kind of a big deal in my little world. While I love group exercise (and love groups in general), I really only love group exercise with a friend. I'm shy in big groups when I'm flying solo. (Is that surprising?) So, I sucked it up and went to yoga last week all by myself, even though I was a bundle of nerves. Of course, it was fiiiine. No one laughed directly at me, and I made it out in one piece. Little victories!
3. These delicious and so-easy-to-make tacos.
4. I did (nearly) everything on my training plan last week. Self high-five! I even felt GOOD after my 1.5 miles run last night. I'm sure that'll change next run. Running doesn't let you feel impressed with yourself for very long. Oh, running.
5. I totally curbed late-night snacking (which is my diet KRYPTONITE, you guys) all last week, and the scale reflected a loss this morning.
The Lows
1. I got sick last week. A sinusy/head cold-type thing. IN AUGUST! I have been cranky and bitter about it. I rarely get sick and then I get a cold when it's 108 degrees outside? (Come ON immune system. Step up!)
2. I indulged a little too much on Saturday (my no-rules day) and felt sluggish and gross all Saturday night/Sunday morning.
3. I need a dozen more sports bras so I don't have to do the laundry so much during this training schedule. (That's a weird low, but can we agree that more laundry is always a low, NO MATTER THE CAUSE?)