I used to write here all the time. My monthly archives show I wrote 27 posts in December 2010, for example. (Twenty-seven! Posts! That's so many words! Although taking a quick glance at those posts, it's also a lot of lists, so apparently I still blog, I just do it on the notepad I keep in my purse now.)
I feel like while I'm busier than ever, I just don't have as much to say. I mean I do, of course, I could always talk about something. (SONS OF ANARCHY, I HAVE MANY THOUGHTS.) But everything is as it always is, as it should be, and there's nothing going on that's really new or noteworthy or something I haven't written about a dozen times before.
Then, when I do think of something grand to write about--a new Real Marriages post, my monthly menu plan, fitness thoughts, etc.--it gets buried by deadlines I have elsewhere. I have to do that thing over there before doing anything fun over here and time just sneaks away and away and away.
Did there used to be more hours in the day? In December 2010, I think there must have been.
STILL. I really miss it. I miss hitting publish so often. I miss seeing comment emails hit my inbox. I miss connecting with someone over a shared thought or experience. I really miss looking back on my life through the lens of this blog and remembering so much I had forgotten. I miss the regular process of recording it, too.
Blogging about blogging is spectacularly uninteresting, even as I re-read this I'm a little uninterested in myself, but I swore I'd hit publish this time, so I'm going to.
I also swear I'm going to make more of an effort to hit publish more of the time, even if it's a crappy post, even if it's just more lists. Maybe I'll even post every day in November if that's even still a Blogging Thing (is it?) because when you miss something, you either find a way to move on or you find a way back.
Back it is.