I forgot to mention in my post earlier today that in addition to the kindness of the firemen last night, an ambulance pulled over and handed Kyle a glowstick while we were trick-or-treating. They were just monitoring the neighborhood, passing out toys to kids. It was such a nice gesture and Kyle thought it was incredibly cool.
I have to tell you, I love things like this. Small acts of kindness that are of no real effort on the side of the giver but mean so damn much to the receiver. Kyle's just old enough to possibly remember these things, and I'm happy those memories will be warm.
In other news, I couldn't figure out where on earth I needed to go for early voting in my county. I thought I knew, but my county's website was no help, so I had to call. I was feeling sheepish, that I couldn't navigate a website--I kind of pride myself on my ability to track down information online!--but the woman was so lovely and helpful. She gave me the exact address and told me great job for voting (without knowing or caring about my particular vote). Then she told me to call back if I needed anything else.
It was refreshing, five days before such an emotionally-packed election, to just connect with someone over the simple act of voting.
Yesterday, one Instagram friend commented that I'm a good mom--something I don't argue with, I think I'm pretty okay--but it's oh-so lovely to hear someone else say it, you know? It took very little for her to type out a few words and hit send but that sweet comment warmed me up for hours.
I think I'm just in the mood for more of these warm spots, so I'm asking you to share a recent time when people were good, just genuinely kind, when they didn't have to be.