I've been regularly going to a yoga studio for about three months now. I say "regularly" but I want you to know that means three times a week here, no times a week there. It means I go, and I do love it, but I don't yet have a solid routine or a yoga physique. I assume both are to come, but for now I consider myself to be somewhat of an experienced beginner.
Anyway, I get a free guest pass with my membership, so I drag friends with me whenever I can. I like working out with a buddy, and I really like working out with Kristie.
I've been dragging her to my favorite Thursday night yoga class for a couple weeks now.
This past Thursday, the class was pretty empty. It was practically an individual session at times, which is great when the individual session is with anyone in the class but you. It didn't make things easier that the teacher was tough. A good tough (I ultimately really liked her) but, still, TOUGH. Wouldn't let you half-ass a pose, would correct any mistakes, would encourage you with phrases like, "The burning you are feeling is temporary, and it means your muscles are doing what they're supposed to be doing" tough. I thought at one point, "I'm going to throw up and that will be what my stomach is supposed to be doing."
Okay, I'm getting off-track. So, yes, it was a tough, small class with a teacher we'd never had before. We introdcued ourselves before class, and she repeated all the students' names the first few moments of class, so it felt like we were becoming familar rather quickly.
So when she kept saying, "Jennie, move your ankle up an inch, lower your knee, LIFT YOUR HIP HIGHER, JENNIE," I was thrown because, honey, my hip is going to DISCONNECT FROM MY BODY IF I LIFT IT ANY HIGHER. I was showcasing my skills from the last three months at 200%--because, again, she was tough--and TRUST ME my hip was high.
It then became clear that she had my name mixed up with Kristie's. It's not that I'm some badass and Kristie isn't--she's a total badass--but we were clearly being corrected on THE WRONG THINGS. My hips were fine and when she firmly corrected Kristie on her knee rotation, that was alllll me.
It was hilarious after class, though, when I was talking to Kristie and she said, "She corrected 'Jennie' so much that I looked over and glared at you and thought, 'Really, Jennie, get it together.'"
I plan to say this to her every time I see her now.
I'm dabbling with the idea of posting every day of November. This could be a very fun way to encourage more posting, something I've talked about recently. This could also be a very horrible idea that leads to nothing more than pictures of Kyle from November 20-30. We'll see!