A while back, I posted about a Pinterest challenge I was doing, inspired by Janssen. (I live such a wild life, I'm aware.) Anyway, I totally owned five of the six pins I picked.
I'm choosing two to spotlight as my Pins of the Month.
March: Beer Biscuits with Spicy Lemon Meyer Butter. Confession: I used regular butter because I was tired. I cut a lot of corners in life because I'm tired. No shame.
These biscuits were so delicious. Seriously, I won't be offended if you immediately stop reading this to go make them. In fact, Mike declared these the "Best biscuits you've ever made!" Granted, I don't make biscuits that often, but still. Many other people complimented them, too. I even think my father-in-law complimented them and that's a ringing endorsement, trust me.
April: Technically, I bought a personalized viewfinder in March, but the glorious thing about my own weird, made-up things like Pins of the Month is that I get to bend my own rules.
I was glad to find the company, as this is something I've been wanting to do for ages, but I was (sadly) a little disappointed with the overall experience. The website was a little difficult to use, and you can only choose six photos per viewfinder. The photos each repeat twice and...call me crazy but wouldn't it be fabulous if you got twelve photos instead? (I probably just don't understand how viewfinders work.)
Also, I planned to buy a reel for each huge event or family vacation, so Kyle could have this cool viewfinder and a bunch of vacation reels one day but the reels are a mere $5 cheaper than a reel and viewfinder. That was a little disappointing.
Still, he thought it was very cool, and I'm always a sucker for things my son finds very cool.
Coming soon, my next Pinterest Challenge with a whole new set of pins I want to tackle. Edge of your seats, all of you, right?