1. Kyle's in swim lessons and ohhhhh swim lessons are way more enjoyable when your child 1) is old enough to get in the pool by himself and 2) OLD ENOUGH TO SPEAK. (A refresher on what happened when I put Kyle in swim lessons before he was able to do either of those two things.)
At four, he LOVES swim lessons. He's basically the anti-18-month-old Kyle when it comes to pools. Time, you can be kind sometimes.
2. I'm slowly catching up on my TV this summer (I got way behind this spring; tragic) and have we ever talked about how enjoyable Suits is? SUITS IS SO ENJOYABLE! You should really be watching this show, even if it takes you a few episodes (or an entire season) to get over the fact that one of the main characters was mean to Tyra on Friday Night Lights. (Possibly just me on that last part.)
3. So, Mike and I are headed to Belize next year. I've probably done more research for this trip (that has only been booked for a couple weeks) than any other trip we've been on. One, it's in a different country, so I want us to be as prepared as possible so we can stay as safe as possible and, two, there really does seem to be a lot to do. We're not just going to a city, we're going to a COUNTRY, and we want to make the most of the trip. Have you ever been? Want to give me all your tips or, better yet, your email address so I can send you a million questions?
4. I got this dress from LOFT and I really love it. It's much bluer (less purple) in person, but it's a great (and flattering, I think) fit, lightweight, and it's both perfect for summer and early fall. It's also half-off right now, so I don't know what you're waiting for.
5. Have I told you I'm finally putting together a nostalgia wall? This is basically just a gallery wall, but I'm calling it a nostalgia wall because it's going to be filled with things that remind me of our favorite past memories, not just family photos, but old letters, our wedding invitation, etc. Here's a sneak peek, but act REALLY surprised when I reveal the whole thing.
6. I read this post (by Kate) yesterday and just couldn't love it more. Kate's in a league her own, and I love that she's still writing online. This:
I reconcile a lament of aging with the absolute certainty that I would never trade places with myself at 22. Relative to who I am now, I had no mysticism. I was less self-assured and more hesitant. A deal is not a good deal if the only pro on the other side of it is an ass.
7. In the next six months or so, we need to replace our mattress. We're still using one I've had since college and, damn, that's over 10 years now. (HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?) We want to upgrade to a King (we now have a Queen) but my GOODNESS is that an investment. I know we need it, and I know we'll have it for another 10 years, but why can't mattresses cost, say, what blenders cost? (We actually need a new blender, too.) Kyle and Molly really need to get jobs is what needs to happen.