I kind of feel like a badass this month. I crossed a lot off. Not everything, but it's not really about perfection, is it?
I should also add that "rearend someone" wasn't even on the list but I still totally DID that! Go ahead and put overachiever on my next business card. (Oh, and I'm fine, car is...not. Life is so very life-ish sometimes.)
The one difficult part of all my lists this year has been finding the motivation to work-out. Maybe you've noticed, probably not, since my lists aren't all that interesting. This month I'd really really really like to try and find that motivation and get back to working out. It's a big theme of the rest of the year for me. Wish me sweaty, gym luck.
July Goals Revisited
1. Read three books (1. Where'd You Go Bernadette)
2. Make these chocolate glazed muffins
3. Host Heather for dinner
4. Try out two more restaurants on D Magazine's best-of lists (1. Company Cafe 2. Hattie's)
5. Go out of town twice: once with my ladies and once with my family
6. Go back to A'Dell's awesome community pool at least once
7. Finish Kyle's swim lessons (he passed! he got a cheesy certificate that I love to pieces)
8. Finish my vacation box
9. Get back to yoga
10. Try this wine spritzer
11. Work-out every day this month, but we're defining working out loosely and in whatever way makes me feel okay/proud at the end of the day
12. Re-hang living room pictures (oh, and re-buy a few living room pictures)
13. Hang at least one more photo on my nostalgia wall
14. See one movie in the theater (Saw two! 1. The Way Way Back 2. Despicable Me 2)
15. Buy frames for two prints to hang by our doorway
16. Make a photo book of our beach trip
17. Print our DC prints
18. Make s'mores
19. Make one recipe from Gwyneth Paltrow's IT'S ALL GOOD cookbook
20. Send a couple gifts that are gathering dust
21. Write Wendy Davis a thank-you note (inspired by a dear friend)
22. Clean out Kyle's closets
August Goals
1. Hang more frames on our nostalgia wall
2. Clean out the pantry
3. Go to IKEA for shelves and living room frames
4. Make a dentist appt for Kyle
5. Participate in restaurant week!
6. Finish Snow Child and Eleanor & Park
7. Make those donut muffins AND one recipe from IT'S ALL GOOD
8. I've been saying this for ages but start the Couch to 5K program (I signed up for a 5K in September as motivation!)
9. Yoga
10. Get a new blog banner
11. Go on a double date
12. Reschedule with Heather for dinner
13. Start thinking about a shoe storage solution (shelves?)
14. Go to a barre class
15. One magazine recipe
16. Re-read a chapter of the Bible
17. One pool visit
18. Clean out Kyle's toys
19. Print out Puerto Rico pictures
20. Start my 2010 photo book organization (I'm determined to make yearbooks for 2009 and 2010 so we can officially have a book each of Kyle's years.)
21. Pay off a medical bill that's been in payments for a while