It wasn't until I looked at Kyle's last three Halloween costumes all together like this that I realized we've sort of projected some very cool careers onto him. No pressure, buds!
I'm thinking doctor next year.
Halloween was a lot of fun. We stuck to our neighborhood, which is one place we actually haven't trick-or-treated before. It was nice to finally say hello to neighbors we haven't met in the four years we've been here.
At one house, Kyle walked up to say "Trick or treat" and the man said, "Well, do you want a trick or a treat?" Without pause, Kyle said, "I just want candy."
You heard the boy!
He got so much candy, in fact, that if he has a piece a day, we should be through our stash just in time for next year's trick-or-treating. I better help him with some of that, I think.