Kyle, spotting a spider in the living room, and then sighing: We should call him an outsect, not an insect, because he doesn't belong in here. (I'll let the insect vs arachnid lesson slide here, because it was so cute.)
Mike: Brush your teeth, Buds.
Kyle: Why do I have to brush my teeth?
Mike: Because...
Kyle: Because doesn't make any sense.
Kyle: Can we fly my rocket this weekend?
Me: Sure, if the weather is nice.
Kyle: Well, I heard it was going to be 70 degrees on Sunday.
Me: What habitat did you learn about today?
Kyle: The rainforest
Me: Cool! What animals live there?
Kyle: Lions.
Me: I don't think they do, buds.
Kyle: Oh! Right. Elephants.
Me (talking to Kyle on his birthday): You're five! Do you feel different?
Kyle: Yes.
Me: What's different?
Kyle: Well, I know everything now.
Kyle, looking at the grocery list I was writing: Wow, that's quite the list you have there.
Kyle, saying goodnight to Mike when Mike asked if he wanted to stay up an extra few minutes to watch the Olympics: Hold on, let me just ask my mom if that's okay first.
I usually tell Kyle he hustled really good at soccer practice, and have been for at least a year. The other day, after practice:
Kyle: Did I hustle?
Me: You did! You hustled great.
Kyle: I don't really know what hustle means.
Kyle, after I helped him with something: You're a genius! Let's not tell Daddy, though, okay?
Kyle wrote a story at school and was pretty proud of it. He couldn't find it when we got home.
Kyle: Hey! Where's my word picture?
Me: Your what, buds?
Kyle: You know, my word picture? That I wrote about you and Daddy?
(He thinks stories are called word pictures! Adorable.)