One thing that kind of bugs me is when people talk about how they have no time for things. No time to work out! Couldn't possibly squeeze in reading more! I'd visit with my friends if I just had more time! It's not that these things are likely untrue, I bet we're all busier than we'd like to be and days just freaking fly by without me understanding how they're the same length as they used to be when I was in college and a 45 minute class lasted for-freaking-EVER.
It's just that I've have spent a serious amount of time looking at the Instagram feeds of Bravo reality TV stars and let's not even talk about the number of times I've actually watched the entire Veronica Mars series. It's a dozen, easy. We often make time for things that might not be the best use of our time. Nothing wrong with that, but we have the time. We just. . . you get what I'm saying. Sometimes I prefer D-list celebrity IG feeds over, say, reading a book. I've got the time to read it. But I don't.
Sorry I'm not sorry.
(Or whatever the cooler phrase the kids are saying these days is.)
I say all this as a lead-up to talk about something I have no time for, which is hilarious, right? I think so too.
Decorating/Organizing/Pinterest-ing my house. Let me give you an example. I've been putting a nostalgia wall together for something like a million years. (Or six months or so. Whatevs.) It has taken that long of actively thinking and planning to: 1) Find the right things to hang on the wall 2) The right frames to put those things in 3) The right way to hang them.
This wall is no bigger than, like, a projector and it's going to be a solid year before I get it the way I want it. Apply that math to the entire house and, yeah, the house will be the exact way I want it by the time Kyle comes to visit WITH HIS OWN CHILDREN.
How do people make their houses these zen-type spaces of awesomeness? How do people CHOOSE FRAMES in less than a year's time?
I really don't get it. I feel like making my house (that really doesn't need much done to it in the way of fix-it-type things and only needs mostly cosmetic-type things) my home is going to take all of my life. It's so time-consuming, and we've been here nearly five years and I've hung a handful of frames. And that frame project has been exhausting and I want someone to throw me a DIY parade! I put some frames on the wall. I am such a grown-up.
Last year Mike and I decided to devote one weekend a month to house things: closet purges, DIY projects, organizing, etc. Dudes. That madness is exhausting. It took so long to do so little, and I just feel like I'm missing this adult check that makes me good at this kind of stuff.
Anyway, do you live in a house that's just how you want it? How much time do you spend on house-type things? Are you for hire if this is something you're good at? Can I pay you in champagne, because gifting bottles of champagne is something I've totally got time for.