I began blogging about a million years ago on MySpace before eventually moving over to Typepad, and probably 75% of my early MySpace posts were simply those internet surveys/"memes"/questionnaires/whatever they were called that were all the rage in 2004. So this is kind of a nostalgic jaunt down blogging memory lane, thanks to Janet's recent post that tagged me at the end of it.
(I love Janet's blog and always have.)
1. What is your favorite type of cheese? I like to think of myself as an equal cheese opportunist. I love all kinds, equally, but I've been on a cheddar kick lately.
2. What are you excited about? My work trip to New York next week, the ATX Festival, our family's long weekend in Hollywood (Florida), our July Fourth party, meeting Natalie's baby girl in August, Kyle starting Kindergarten (!!), a girl's weekend in September, and a trip to Vegas in December. Then the holidays, my birthday, lather rinse repeat. Happiness is having something to look forward to or, as I translate the saying, a full calendar.
3. How did you celebrate your last birthday? I said "To hell with finances and and nine-hour roadtrips, take me to New Orleans, Mike." He said "okay," which is why I like him so much.
4. What is on your bedside table? Clutter. Change. My glasses. Rogue earrings. It's not the Instagram-worthy nightstand I'd like it to be.
5. What do you order from the movie theater concession stand? A Diet Coke. I used to half-love the movies for movie nachos alone, but adulthood introduces both taxes and wondering what's in that neon-orange cheese. In other news, adulthood is overrated.
(And don't even start about what's in Diet Coke. I know, I know.)
6. Do you have a garden? What’s growing? Closest I have to a garden is a shoe garden, and wedges are growing.
7. Any summer plans? A trip to Florida, a big July Fourth party, swim lessons, more hikes, bitching about the weather. I really want to find a way to make it to California, to visit my brother.
8. Which TV couple(s) are you rooting for? Damon and Elena, and Stefan and Caroline, and both are from the same CW show. I am who I am.
9. What’s the last thing you bought? Plane tickets to Vegas.
10. What’s one thing you are passionate about? Just one? Impossible. But I just read/heard about the Qatar World Cup migrant worker issue and it absolutely disgusted me, so I'm passionate about spreading the word about it. Let's all boycott the 2022 World Cup, okay?
11. What are you grateful for this week? I'm grateful for both my mom and Mike's mom this week (and always, but I was asked about this week). They say it takes a village to raise a child, and I agree, but for us it also takes two incredible grandmothers. We're so lucky to have both our moms for all the obvious "they make it possible for me to go to a work dinner when Mike's out of town" ways but also for the "my son has a relationship with these amazing women" ways that are bigger than we even realize right now. Also, they do it with grace. My mother-in-law has never made me feel anything but loved and valued, and my mom and I cried and laughed just two days ago over The Good Wife and our own dumb luck for having each other. I'm so grateful for them both.
The rules say I must now tag eleven bloggers: Elizabeth, Christina, Hillary, Jess, Janssen, Maggie, Jen, Sarah, Jonna (hoping this will bring her out of blogging retirement!), Meredith, and Kyra.
I think I'm supposed to come up with eleven original questions but, nah, go ahead and answer the above! I'm most curious what TV couples you're rooting for.