1. I read to Kyle almost every night. This is simply My Thing in our house, even if Mike is around. No matter who does the PJ wrangling, the tooth-brushing reminding, the "STOP STALLING" yelling, I am the one to snuggle in with him to read a couple books. This is one thing I own in our house, this job of Book Reader, and it's a real full-circle kind-of role because if you ask me what I remember most about my own mother from my own childhood, I will tell you how she read to me. How she read so lovely, how she always seemed her most perfect self when she was reading to me, and every night I hoped hoped hoped she would read just one more book. Every night Kyle asks for just one more book.
Anyway, that was a very sweet lead-up to THIS: tonight as I finished up his book of choice (it's been Berenstain Bears' Picnic for like a solid month), I gave him a hug, a dozen kisses, another hug, and then he cupped my face in his hands and said oh-so sweetly, "Mommy can I give you a high-five on your cheek?" "That's called hitting, Kyle." "NO! NO IT'S NOT!" "Well whatever euphemism you've chosen, the answer is no."
Kids, man.
2. We're headed to California this weekend. I know, how did that happen? I am such a ridiculous vacation planner that trips are scheduled and booked and researched MONTHS and MONTHS in advance and then I shelve them and then they sneak the fuck up on me and all of the sudden we're on a plane and that's got to be confusing for the people in our lives and in our computers.
Anyway, we're going to celebrate a friend's 30th birthday. (Cherie! You know Cherie! She's the better half of Cherry Jean and she's also one of the best friends a person could ever hope to have.) She was so kind as to come to Vegas for my 30th birthday, so we had to reciprocate. We're taking the whole family on this trip (well, except Molly and let's not bring that up, she's bitter) and we're hitting the beach and going to Disneyland and also drinking adult drinks after our children go to sleep, oh yes.
When you ask Kyle what he's most excited about in California, he'll tell you 1) Riding on a whale (I've no clue) or 2) Legoland (Which we've not mentioned to him being in California because Legoland is 20 minutes from our house. IN TEXAS. Again I've no clue.)
Let's cross our fingers his mind is properly blown at Disneyland and I'm not going to have to guilt my three year old into humoring me.
3. THE BLATHERING SOLD OUT. I keep saying (to myself, to Mike, to the random internet friend who will listen to me) that it feels like a helluva lot of of hard work met a helluva lot of good luck. I'm just so excited we have our official people! And I'd now like to think about my Blathering Wardrobe. Here's where you come in. Saturday night is a wee bit fancier than the rest of the weekend and I want to get a new dress. Which do you prefer:

On the left is this one, and I'd color it up with a black blazer and black heels (maybe red/orange accessories?). On the right, the dress speaks for itself (check out the back) but I have no idea what shoes I'd wear. Black, maybe?
4. Mumford & Sons has a new album coming out next month (9/25!) and, guys, I'm an insane amount of excited. I actually thought to myself, "I should take off work to listen to the album on repeat all day," but then I realized I'd be out of town on a work trip that specific day, so taking the day off might be a wee bit problematic.
5. I taught my kid some yoga.

Speaking of yoga, in class the other day I thought to myself, "Wow, child's pose is awesome. I'd like a full yoga class with just this one pose." WHICH IS BASICALLY ONE STEP ABOVE NAPPING. It's basically stretching on the couch during an episode of The Vampire Diaries. I invented that.
6. On Style Lush, Hillary, one of my absolute favorites, asked what your timeless, classic, always-on-repeat albums are. I answered with indie folk, Texas country, and Christian worship. I confuse even myself, to be honest. What are yours?
7. I recently remembered something really wonderful and sweet my dad said to me on my wedding day. I hadn't remembered until then, and, wow, I wish I had remembered sooner.
8. Have I told you my sister is coming to Texas for Christmas? Rachel hasn't visited since Kyle was a baby, and her entire family has never been, and my boy has never met her boy, and I'm SO CRAZY EXCITED. I really am. I text her often with questions like, "Do you like wine trains?" and other things like "We're picking the Mexican restaurant, it'll be delicious, we promise/hope."
I can't remember the last Christmas morning I spent with both my mom and my sister. Don't judge if I put our tree up October 1st, and have already nearly planned our entire Christmas menu.
9. I have started a Facebook policy that is basically this: If you're an asshole, I'll unfriend you. I don't care if I shouldn't unfriend you, if you're my cousin's best friend and I might run into you at some random picnic in a couple years. I especially don't care if my only tie to you is high school English. If you are being stupid and saying thoughtless, mean things, I'm just going to go ahead and rid my social media life of you, instead of trying to make you see the error or your ways (which you won't). This has led to my Facebook feed being a very pleasant place to be. I rarely get riled up (by Facebook) and I think I may survive this election after all.
10. Mark your calendars, my friends, Sons of Anarchy returns 9/11. I'm thinking of recapping the episodes here, for no other reason than I REALLY WANT TO. Also, the promos stress me out already. The actual show is going to bring out the ALL CAPS, I am sure, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.