Kyle is sick again.
(Sick toddlers don't need pants!)
It sucks as much ass you'd imagine.
But, we're not dwelling on that. (At least not here, you can bet your sweet selves I'm dwelling on that in my living room and to my husband and in my head.) We're going to instead talk about the silver lining that was my book club while Kyle was sick because my book club is just so awesome.
I know, Book Club by itself sounds not-so awesome. Much less awesome than, say, Wine Club or Gossip Girl Club or Nap Club.
But, my Book Club kind of kicks serious ass.
(I don't actually think it should be capitalized but I insist that it will be because it is the first and only Book Club of its kind.)
See, a few months back, inspired by Book Lushes, Kristie, Natalie, and I organized a little in-person book club. I don't think any of us were particularly optimistic about how it would turn out. I think we imagined the three of us would get together for dinner once a month and maybe say a few words on the book we decided to read. I thought my words would most often be: didn't read it.
But, Book Club has turned into this incredible girl's gathering of laughter and intelligent conversation and meeting new friends while appreciating old friends and also there's usually good eating, which is what every club -- book, napping, WHATEVER -- should include, am I right?
In January we read The Giver. In Feburary, Room. And in March, The Book Thief. (April is The Help.)
I keep thinking I'll write a post per book, a mini-review, but I also keep thinking I'll win the lottery. Meaning, my thoughts are .... cute.
So, I'll just say that I love my Book Club not just because it inspires me to read more and ask better questions about what I'm reading but because I feel I'm part of a group of smart women celebrating our own time and friendship and good pastries, too. I swear I leave that group each month thinking, OMG I LOVE BOOK CLUB.
My 21-year-old self just rolled her eyes, took a tequila shot, and flipped me off behind my back.
Also, it wasn't just Book Club that provided me solace during Fever Watch April 2011. There was also a girl's night prior to Book Club night (these lovely ladies are all in Book Club, fyi) and a baking night with a friend, too. In fact for a weekend that was FILLED with Fever Worry, I did an awful lot of socializing. (Don't feel too badly for Mike, I did an awful lot of Waking Mid-Night and he, god love that man, did not.)