1. Stress doesn't phase him, especially not when it comes to you. Child, you screamed so often those first few weeks/months, Molly used to go outside for a little peace and quiet. Your dad would make jokes, would roll his eyes, but he never got really bothered by it. Your mother? Sliiiiightly more bothered by it.
2. He gets giddy when he sees you in a way I've never seen him get giddy about anything before. Including when he found out there was going to be a Futurama movie. For a man who has never worn his heart on his sleeve, it's pinned right out there for the whole world to see when it comes to you.
3. He has a motorcycle. And a Mustang. And something tells me he'll let you drive both one day, if you ask nicely enough.
4. He doesn't care what anyone thinks of him. He doesn't care what anyone thinks of his parenting. He's always going to do what he thinks is best for you, status quo be damned.
5. He will never say no if you ask him to play outside with you. I'm pretty sure you won't be able to make a liar out of me on this one.
6. He's just plain FUN. He's just plain FUNNY. He's going to have you laughing even when think you should be embarrassed by him. He's going to make you laugh whether you want to or not. I have personal experience with this one.
7. He thinks we actually need more than one flat-screen TV. I bet you and your friends will just love that one day.
8. He thinks farts are funny.
9. He can wakeboard and snowboard and play soccer and hockey and do all those bang-you-up physical things I hear boys like to do. I, on the other hand, can cross stitch. And blog. And whine about how tired I am.
10. He doesn't yell. He doesn't throw things. He doesn't let his negative emotions get the better of him unless those negative emotions are directed at non-family members like John McCain or the Reliant Energy customer service reps. Bottom line, he's got his priorities totally, 100% sorted out, and you top the list.
11. He can already make you laugh and smile more than I can. BUT I DRESS YOU BETTER, KEEP IN MIND.
12. He doesn't hold his breath at any chance of you hurting yourself. He doesn't flap his hands and screech, "BE CAREFUL BE CAREFUL BE CAREFUL" like someone else in our family does.
Why you'll still love me a lot:
1. I picked him for us.
Happy Dad's Day, Mike, from the two people and one dog who will never stop thanking their lucky stars for knowing you, loving you and for being loved right back by you.
Babe, I hope you get to put your feet up this Sunday, at some point, and relax with a cold beer and total control of the DVR.
Happy Dad's Day to the other dads out there, too, including my own.