I've written about the Blathering before (a blogging/social media meet-up that happens once a year in a different city), which is why I was in Charleston earlier this month. This was my fourth Blathering, and every year has been more good than bad for me. That's enough to keep me organizing, keep me coming back. Often a lot more good than bad. I mean, why else do it? It can't be perfect, it can't be stress- or drama-free, but it has to be mostly enjoyable right? I agree.
This year, though?
This year was practically perfect. 95% good to the 5% bad, and the bad really only consisted of giant palmetto bugs (THOSE ARE ROACHES, NO MATTER HOW CUTE A NAME YOU GIVE THEM, SOUTH CAROLINA) and the weekend having to end. Oh, and the one time I dropped a tray of food in the hotel parking lot. Oops!
I don't know if it was the desperate need for a girl's weekend away, the charming city of Charleston, the smaller group this year, all of us being at the same hotel, the more casual events, all those biscuits I ate. (Damn, SC, you know how to make a biscuit.) A combination, I'd guess. It was just a really lovely weekend.
I've had a stressful year. So stressful that I got a little weepy on Saturday night while lying in bed with my roommates. Caitlin gave me a hug, while I sat there and sniffled, and I think I unloaded on two trusted friends like that because Charleston was the exact opposite of all those stressful feelings. It was the exhale to so many tightly-wound days, the warm hug to feeling misunderstood so often. It was laughter and relaxation, two things I don't think you can ever have too much of and two things I'm having to really seek out these days. Every time I laughed, I wanted to keep laughing. I stayed up until 2am (MULTIPLE NIGHTS, OMG, I'm still so tired almost a month later) because I couldn't get enough laughter. I couldn't get enough of these ladies. I was ready to get home, always am, but I could have had a week with this group and still felt warm and happy and content.
We're heading to Seattle next (no dates chosen yet) and I hope you can make it.